
Sober living

Stages of Alcoholism: Symptoms of Early, Chronic & End Stages

You can also experience both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Left unmanaged, withdrawal from certain substances can be severe and even life threatening in some cases. Other Man serving sentence for attacking parents fails to return to halfway house and considered escapee withdrawal symptoms, like those mentioned in the coffee example, are just uncomfortable. As […]

Stages of Alcoholism: Symptoms of Early, Chronic & End Stages Read More »

Symptoms and Signs of Alcohol Addiction: Am I Addicted to Alcohol?

Through national and international meetings and a wide circulation of books and journals, the writings of these physicians and alienists became instrumental in defining the medical response to what was considered the disease of inebriety. Your relative may naturally have a big, bloated face and a red, bulbous nose. The physical signs of an alcoholic,

Symptoms and Signs of Alcohol Addiction: Am I Addicted to Alcohol? Read More »

What Are the Adverse Side Effects of Mixing Alcohol & Drugs?

Using morphine and alcohol alone in excess can damage the liver, and the combination of the two increases the likelihood of that effect. Liver damage can lead to cirrhosis, severe stomach bleeding, an inability to tolerate other necessary medications, impaired blood clotting, and eventual death. For help avoiding these and other negative consequences of morphine

What Are the Adverse Side Effects of Mixing Alcohol & Drugs? Read More »